Authentic Technical Content.

I frequently hear the saying “Developer’s don’t like being marketed too.” Honestly, none us do. Developers, in particular though, speak their mind,(just read the flames on reddit to get an idea of an honest developers opinion on something) when content has no substantive value. Don’t tell me that product x is faster, the next big thing, or any other cliched marketing trick to get you to pay attention. Developers respond to learning something new - we want to be educated through code samples, techically strong articles, and unbiased reviews.

I spend a great of time writing authentic content for developers, either through code, tutorials, or bylines. Here is a small sample of my work. You can also find more at The DevRel Collective.


APIs are bridging the mobile app gap

Tech Crunch

Requiem for the app revolution

The future of Enterprise app development is Swift


Succeeding in the continuous enterprise with Microservices

Using DevOps to succeed in the continous enterprise

Is learning the next killer app for mobile?

Six important wearable categories every Enterprise needs to know

iOS and Swift rule the Enterprise

The Guardian

What can western entrepenurs learn from East African startups?

Computer Weekly

The modern dev rel stack part 1

The modern dev rel stack part 2

How to build a home-screen worthy CX


Eight key capabilities of PaaS - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Information Week

How to screw up your Enterprise Mobile App

Read Write Web

Five killer types of Wearables for the Enterprise


How to build a successful customer engagement strategy


(I wrote a book) JourneyBuilder for Apps

Want to learn to build better apps? Go to Africa!

Designing enterprise mobile apps with Salesforce and iOS series

A tonne of technical blogs and tutorials for


Ten code snippets every Salesforce mobile developer needs to know

Why the world doesn’t need more machine learning. It needs more simulations

Dear LinkedIn, Please free the API!

Seven things I’ve learned from seven years at Salesforce


Learnings on Developer Relations

Debunking the biggest myths about Developer Relations

The accidental app developer

Context is still king

Contentricity is ruining your content marketing plans

Five design rules for nailing Apple Watch app design